How to Remove Old Bike Pedals & Install New Ones
Published March 19, 2025 | Updated March 19, 2025
Maybe your bike pedals have seen better days, or you want to upgrade for a better set. Or you bought a new bike that didn't come with pedals installed, which is the case with most mountain bikes we sell. Let's look at how to remove and replace the pedals in just a few minutes so you can get back to riding and enjoying the great outdoors.
Identify which pedal goes on which side
Both pedals on a bike tighten towards the front of the bike. That means that unlike most components on a bike, the left side pedal has a reverse threading. To avoid damaging the threading when you install the new pedals, you need to identify which of your new pedals is meant for the left side and which is meant for the right side. There are a few ways you can identify which is which, if it's not clearly marked on the packaging:
Right side pedal (drive side)
This is the pedal on the side with the gears. It has standard clockwise threading (righty-tighty, lefty loosey).
- Check if it has a letter R or the word Right on it anywhere.
- Check the front and back edges of the pedal. If it's slanted, it will slant up in the front and possibly also down in the back.
- Check the threads on the spindle. Standard threads angle upwards to the right. Reverse threads angle upwards to the right.
Left side pedal
The left side pedal has reverse threading (clockwise will loosen it).
- Check if it has a letter L or the word Left on it anywhere.
- Check the front and back edges of the pedal. If it's slanted, it will slant up in the front and possibly also down in the back.
- Check the threads on the spindle. Reverse threads angle upwards to the right.

How to Install New Bike Pedals
Step 1 - Gather the Right Tools.
If the bike pedals have parallel faces on the spindle between the body and the crank arm, you need to remove them with a 15mm spanner wrench. It needs to be narrow enough to fit between the crank and pedal body.
Pedals with a hexagonal socket at the end of the spindle require an 8mm hex key. Use a T-shaped hex with a long handle and sliding end to avoid the chainrings.
Some pedals instead use a 6mm hex key.
Step 2 - Remove the Pedals.
For the right (driveside) pedal, rotate the cranks until the right-hand crank until it points toward the front wheel. It will be in the three o'clock position. If the pedals use wrench flats, place the spanner onto the flats so it points toward the back of the bike.
For hex key pedals, put the short end of the key in the back of the pedal, also so it points toward the back of the bike. When the tool is in place, push down hard on it while holding the opposite pedal down. The pedal will come loose and you can unscrew it by hand.
You'll need to use some force if the pedals are old or just weren't greased when installed. For the left pedal, rotate the left-hand crank until it points toward the front wheel. It will be in the nine o'clock position. Follow the above instructions for tool replacement and pedal removal.
Step 3 - Install the New Pedals.
Make sure you have the correct pedal first. If you try to force a pedal onto the wrong side, it will cross the threads and destroy the crank. Thoroughly clean the threads on the crank and pedal if it's a used bike or used pair of pedals. Otherwise dirt and grit can damage and wear out the threads.
Apply a thin layer of grease or anti-seize to the threads on the pedal axle. This is crucial, as pedals with dry threads are incredibly difficult to remove. The pedals and cranks can also permanently fuse together over time. Check the owner's manual to find out if cranks and pedals require a thin pedal washer on the spindle.
If they do, add it on. When the axle is greased, thread it in by hand. Turn it clockwise to tighten the right pedal. Keep threading until the pedal bottoms out on the crank. Then tighten it lightly with your hex key or spanner.
It's the same installation process for the left pedal. But it's reverse threaded, so you turn it counter-clockwise to tighten. Once both pedals are on, wipe off any excess grease from the cranks. And now you're ready to ride!

Or have a pro do it
This guide will teach you how to install new bike pedals at home. But you might need more help, or you're in need of another professional bike service. If so, pay us a visit at Airpark Bike Co!